For San Juan Capistrano Rotary, it's been a year of memorable projects. We raise money from our generous sponsors and members, and by holding fun events – Golf, Adventure Van Expo and Car Shows. We use those funds for good in our community as well as internationally. Here's just some of the most memorable highlights:
Walk for raising Mental Health awareness
A firetruck for the Cucupah Indian community in Baja
Free Dental and Vision Care in Ensenada, Mexico
Building a house in a day with Corazon
Interact Awards for local students
Creek Cleanup
Los Rios Park maintenance and cleanup
Building a Fruit Stand
A playground in Los Barilles, BC, Mexico
Rose Parade Float Decorating
New Shoes for Kids in Tijuana
Pancake Breakfast for Swallows Day Parade
Supporting CREER, Boys & Girls Club, and Family Assistance Ministries.
Feeding and Educating Orphans in Vietnam
Burn Clinic in Chile
From all of us to all of you, thanks for helping us serve those in need.
San Juan Capistrano Rotary
great job Ray