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How often does the club meet?Our club meetings are held every Wednesday from 6:15pm to 8:00pm sharp! We are dark during the weeks of July 4, Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years.
What kind of commitment do I need to make to attend meetings?We ask that you prioritize your schedule to strive to meet at least a 50% attendance level during the year. We realize our members have many priorities in their lives and understand everyone has periods when their attendance raises and subtracts.
What kinds of programs during our meeting should I expect?During the past three years, we have the top county officials, city mayors, and business professionals, etc. With 46 programs a year to fill, we strive for the utmost quality of presenters with informative topics that will engage our membership.
What is the minimum age to be in Rotary?There is no minimum age to join Rotary. You may be invited to join at any age after you become established in a career and have the time and financial resources to meet all Rotary club membership requirements. If you’re interested in joining Rotary, ask members about the time and financial commitments necessary to fulfill membership requirements, and consider whether you can make those commitments.
If I'm not a Rotary club member, can I still help with service projects?"Yes! You can offer to assist with our local or international service projects.
May I solicit the membership for business if I become a member?Although you will receive a listing of our membership upon first becoming a member and the ability to electronically find their contact information, the member information shall not be used for the purpose of solicitation for non-club purposes nor shared with non-members. The expectation is that you will personally make an effort to connect and engage with our membership during our weekly meetings and other events during the year.
May I promote my business in the club?There are several opportunities to highlight your business which include sponsoring events, public birthday acknowledgement and recognitions. You may also use this opportunity to put flyers on the tables to reinforce your message, and of course your chance to network face to face each week at the meetings!
Does that mean that networking is frowned upon?Absolutely not! Rotary was founded on the chance to network between businesses; the RI emblem of a wheel depicts the original intent of “rotating” between members’ businesses to hold the weekly meetings. We encourage our members to network before dinner and to look to one another whenever a service is required.
What is a classification and can there only be one member with the same classification?Every member is assigned a professional classification, such as telecommunications, healthcare or architecture. Our club, in conjunction with Rotary International, seeks to manage each classification in an effort to ensure a broad and diverse membership group. As an incoming member, your classification will be determined and discussed with you to ensure you are properly classified!
How large is Rotary?Rotary International is an association of Rotary clubs worldwide. It’s made up of more than 35,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. The members of these autonomous clubs are called Rotarians, and they form a global network of 1.2 million business and professional leaders, all volunteering their time and talents to serve their communities and the world. Individual Rotary clubs, in turn, belong to the global association called Rotary International.
What is the Four-Way Test?The Four-Way Test This test, which has been translated into more than 100 languages, asks the following questions: Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it bring GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Why should I consider San Juan Capistrano Rotary versus another Rotary club?Rotary is a wonderful organization to be a part of, no matter which club you choose to join. Every club has a unique mix of membership and community initiatives specific to their area and vision. You should consider which club is best suited to fit your personal goals and objectives. San Juan Capistrano Rotary has a long history of membership comprised of leaders from all around the city and county, all with the same goal – to give back and make a difference. Come to dinner as a visitor, meet our members and see why this is THE Rotary club to join!
Is Rotary political or religious?We welcome all beliefs but since Rotary is non-religious and non-political, we try to avoid polarizing discussions about religion and politics.
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